Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for Fun

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Fun

15 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. Tell me a joke about [topic of your choice]
  2. Send a pun-filled happy birthday message to my friend Alex.
  3. Write a sequel/prequel about the ‘X’ movie
  4. Create a new playlist of new song names from ‘X’
  5. write a script for a movie with ‘X’ and ‘X’
  6. Explain [topic of your choice] in a funny way
  7. Give me an example of a proposal message for a girl
  8. Write a short story where an Eraser is the main character.
  9. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  10. Make Eminem-style jokes about Max Payne.
  11. You are a text video game where you give me options ( A, B, C, D) as my choices. The scene is Narnia. I start out with 100 health.
  12. Come up with a 14-day itinerary for a trip to Germany. The first suggested attraction should be “Take a tour of the Reichstag Building in Berlin.
  13. Write a formal complaint email to United Airlines about my delayed baggage from my flight on Tuesday, January 17th, from New York to Los Angeles.
  14. Translate the following text into Portuguese: <paste text below>
  15. Write hilarious fan fiction about the Twilight saga.

Topics for fun

  • Sharks. …
  • Laws from around the world. …
  • Castles. …
  • Tornadoes. …
  • Houseplants. …
  • UFOs. …
  • Capitals of the world. …
  • Pet psychology.

List of movies

1. The Shawshank Redemption

2. The Godfather

3. The Dark Knight

4. The Godfather Part II

5. 12 Angry Men

6. Schindler’s List

7. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

8. Pulp Fiction

Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for Music

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Music

11 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. Write a lyrical verse in the style of [artist] about [topic]
  2. Modify the following chord progression to make it more like <according to some directive, like composer or genre>: <Code progression>
  3. Write the lyrics to a song titled [Title of the song]
  4. Write a 12-bar blues chord progression in the key of E
  5. Write chord progressions for a country rock song, with a verse, chorus, and bridge
  6. Create a poem or song for <target audience> that explains <topic of your choice>. The song should have a distinct character and traits for each participant, as well as punctuation such as.,!?, and so on. Make it last as long as possible.
  7. How would you encode the melody to “<Song of your choice>” as MusicXML?
  8. Write a song in the pentatonic scale and 4/4 time to the <artist and song of your choice>
  9. I want to make a music video, but I’m not sure what concept to use. Can you help me come up with a concept?
  10. I want to write a midi file. Can you provide python3 code that writes a simple tune using a for loop to add each note?
  11. Make a song about a programmer and someone who isn’t a programmer.
Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for Games (Team collaboration)

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Games (Team collaboration)

11 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. Start a game of ’20 Questions.’ You can ask me yes or no questions to try and guess the word I’m thinking of. I’ll give you a hint: it’s a type of fruit.
  2. Let’s play Tic Tac Toe.
  3. Let’s play word ladder.
  4. Play Hangman with me.
  5. Let’s Play Mad Libs Game.
  6. Let’s play trivia.
  7. Let’s play ‘Would you rather?’. I’ll give you two options and you have to choose which one you would prefer.
  8. Let’s play ‘Two truths and a lie’. Give me three statements about yourself, and I’ll try to guess which one is the lie.
  9. Let’s play a game of ‘I Spy.’ I’ll give you a clue and you have to guess the object I’m thinking of. The clue is: “It’s something you wear on your feet.
  10. Let’s play rock paper scissors
  11. Make a coding challenge about artificial intelligence taking over the world.
Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for UX

Best ChatGPT Prompts for UX

8 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. Generate examples of UI design requirements for a [mobile app]
  2. Generate a typography style guide for a [mobile application] in excel format.
  3. What are the UI cases that need to be considered when designing a [burger menu]
  4. Generate a sample report of a competitor’s [digital watch] by using online customer reviews. For the sake of this analysis, we will focus on product usability
  5. As a designer, what are some gamification techniques I can add to a [language learning app]
  6. How can I design a [law firm website] in a way that conveys [trust and authority]
  7. What are some micro-interactions to consider when designing an [education platform]
  8. Create a text-based excel sheet to input your copy suggestions. Assume you have 3 members in your UX writing team
Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for AI ART (Midjourney)

Best ChatGPT Prompts for AI ART (Midjourney)

12 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. A photograph of an angry full-bodied wolf in the foggy woods, by Alex Horley-Orlandelli, by Bastien Lecouffe-Deharme, dusk, sepia, 8k, realistic
  2. photo of an extremely cute alien fish swimming on an alien habitable underwater planet, coral reefs, dream-like atmosphere, water, plants, peace, serenity, calm ocean, transparent water, reefs, fish, coral, inner peace, awareness, silence, nature, evolution –version 3 –s 42000 –uplight –ar 4:3 –no text, blur
  3. An illustration of a Viking sitting on a rock, dramatic lighting [ Explain in detail about the picture or ask ChatSonic to write the illustration for you 😉]
  4. Design a modern logo with a sun for a marketing company
  5. Please generate a surreal landscape with bright colors and organic shapes. Include a small figure in the foreground, with their back, turned to the viewer.
  6. Generate a portrait of a person with a dreamy, ethereal quality, using soft pastel colors and flowing lines.
  7. Create an abstract interpretation of a city skyline at night, using geometric shapes and bold, vibrant colors.
  8. Come up with fresh ideas for coffee mug designs. A brand-new approach to holding hot liquids
  9. A stunning close-up illustration of Ana de Armas in a dramatic, dark, and moody style, inspired by the work of Simon Stålenhag, with intricate details and a sense of mystery
  10. How can I create a compelling concept for a series of illustrations [ Describe your vision]?
  11. Create an image description that describes a visually stunning setting that takes place in the year 3030.
  12. How can I create a minimalistic logo that conveys a strong brand image? Give me an example
Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for Travel and Tourism

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Travel and Tourism

8 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. How much money do I need as a tourist for X days in [Location]?
  2. How much money do I need to survive a day in [location]?
  3. Pick X cities for a Y-day trip in [location]
  4. Plan a $1500 5-day trip in Paris. Give me the itinerary
  5. Is it cheaper to go from Stockholm to Sydney or Bali?
  6. What is the most convenient airline to go from X to Y?
  7. What are the top-rated restaurants in Amsterdam with a budget of €100 per person?
  8. I want to plan a three-week backpacking trip through Europe. I have a student’s budget, and I love finding local street food and open markets. Can you suggest an itinerary for me?
Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media 

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media 

22 ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT Prompt for Social Media Posts

Facebook posts:
  1. Generate 3 ideas for Facebook posts on the topic <add content topic> that will engage the target audience <add target audience>. Include CTA, images, and hashtags wherever possible.
  2. Come up with an energetic Facebook post to promote <product/service>.
  3. Give me an interesting and engaging question to post on my Facebook Group about <topic>.
Twitter posts

4. Write an engaging tweet on <topic>.

Twitter threads

5. Create an engaging and detailed Twitter thread on <topic>. Make sure to include relevant hashtags.

Instagram caption

6. Create 3 captions for an Instagram post related to <add content topic> that will engage the target audience <add target audience>. Include relevant hashtags, quotes, and other elements to make the captions stand out.

LinkedIn post

7. Create a promotional LinkedIn post about the benefits of using <product/service>.

Facebook ads

8. Create a compelling Facebook ad copy to promote <product/service>.

9. Generate 5 Facebook ad copy headlines to promote <product/service>.

LinkedIn ads

10. Create 5 LinkedIn ad headlines for <website URL or reference page>

Carousel ads

11.  <Details about your product/service with USP>. Create a carousel ad with <number of slides> to promote it within <target audience>.

Video ad scripts

12. Generate a script for a 30-second video ad for <add product or service> that talks about the benefits and features of the product or service. Make sure to include a call to action.

Podcast ad script

13. Generate a 30-second podcast ad script for <product/service> that can be used by students, teachers, and businesses.

Social Media Metrics

14. <Details about your average likes and comments, and followers> Can you please help me calculate the engagement rate?

Click Through Rate (CTR) as a social media metric: 

15. What is a good click-through rate (CTR) for a social media post or ad targeting <target audience>? Generate a list of good CTRs to aim for.

Competitor Brand Profile Analysis

16. What is the number of posts a competitor makes on social media platforms in a month <add the competitor name>? Also, mention the engagement rate and reach of each post.

Type of posts a competitor published (image, text, video)

17. Analyze the content published by <add competitor’s name> in the last 3 months including the type of post (blog, video, or image) and the topics they have covered.

Identify goals and objectives for social media strategy: 

18.  Identify three specific goals and objectives for your social media strategy on the topic <add topic>. Mention the target audience, goal completion time, and plan of action for each of the goals.

Social media plan

19. Generate a comprehensive social media plan for <add topic>. Include a list of topics to post, the type of content to post, when to post, and how often to post.

Understanding types of social media posts:

20. Identify the top 5 types of social media posts that millennials are most likely to engage with on the topic <add topic>.

Metrics required to track

21. Generate a list of 10 metrics to track when creating content related to <add topic>. Include metrics such as page views, time on the page, bounce rate, etc.

Social Media Calendar

22. Create a social media calendar for <product/service> for <number of days> in a table format, which includes content ideas, post frequency, post timing, and engagement strategies.

Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service

5 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. Please provide X example phrases that customer service agents can use to display empathy
  2. Please explain how to send an email from “X” to “Y” with the subject “(the topic of your choice)” and the content “Insert template here” using Python
  3. Write an email to inform my clients about a looming downtime of my website due to an upgrade
  4. Please provide a template to explain the standard retail return policy
  5. Give ideas to make my customer receptive to my company’s offers. Provide the answers in bullet points
Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for Email Campaigns

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Email Campaigns

10 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. Give me 10 subject lines for my [niche] newsletter
  2. Write the body copy for a promotional email with the subject line: [Your subject line]
  3. Write a follow-up email with the subject line: [Your subject line]
  4. How can I re-engage inactive subscribers on my email list?
  5. How can I use A/B testing to find out the best time to send my emails (and the best frequency)?
  6. How can I fix email deliverability issues caused by recipients’ firewalls?
  7. What are the top trends in [industry] that I can include in my next [Details about your newsletter]?
  8. Translate this email into [Spanish, Chinese, or French, you can ask any other language you want] please. Keep the tone [friendly] and write it like a native.” [Add your email body here]
  9. Please provide tips to improve the deliverability of our weekly [Ecommerce newsletter], making sure it lands in the inbox.
  10. Take the Newsletter below, polish and improve its structure and tone. Make it more [Friendly, Expert Like, Funny, Catchy, You can add any other tone you like] Don’t exceed [X Words]
Solar Rooftop

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

Best ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

37 ChatGPT Prompts

Keyword Idea Generator

  1. Generate a list of 10 keyword ideas on the topic “AI writer” for businesses, students and freelancers.

Refine Keywords further

2. Only suggest keywords that have a high volume (based on previous searches).

Cluster Keywords based on funnel stages

3. Cluster this list of keywords according to funnel stages whether they are top-of-the-funnel, middle-of-the-funnel, or bottom-of-the-funnel keywords (based on the previous search).

Do Content Research

4. Provide a list of the top 10 ranking blogs on the keyword <keyword>. Mention URL.

Suggesting Blog Topic Ideas

5. Suggest blog topic ideas for ‘AI Copywriting’ that can rank on Google

Creating Blog Outlines

6. Write a detailed blog outline on the topic “What Is AI Copywriting and How to Use It for SEO?” with H2, H3, subheadings, and bullet points.

Creating a List of FAQs

7. Write a list of Frequently Asked Questions for the keyword “AI copywriting”

Writing an Introduction With Stats

8. Write an introduction with statistics, facts, trends, and data on the topic ‘Define AI Copywriting & Explain Its Benefits for SEO’

Semantically Relevant Topics

9. Provide a list of semantically relevant topics relevant to “AI Copywriting”

 Understanding Search Intent

10. Provide 10 long tail keywords related to ‘AI writer’. Match each keyword with any of the 4 types of search intent.


11. Please paraphrase this paragraph <insert text>

Summarizing an Article

12. Help me summarize this article  – <URL>

Meta Descriptions

13. Write a meta description on the topic “<insert topic>”

No-follow, Canonical Link

14. Create a no-follow link for <insert URL>

Text Prompt for AI Art

15. Write 5 text prompts to generate an AI image on a beautiful sunset with birds

Generating an AI Image

16. Generate an image of Burj khalifa with a fountain view and lights

Internal Linking Ideas

17. Help me with internal linking ideas for a blog

Backlink Strategy

18.  Write a list of initiatives to follow for a backlink strategy to rank the keyword <keyword> on the first page of Google. Also, how many backlinks should I build? Write a list of relevant websites to reach out.

Content Distribution Plan

19. Help me with a list of initiatives on a content distribution plan for <URL>

Link Building

20. Provide a list of 10 relevant websites that talk about “keyword”. Mention their URLs

Creating a Content Calendar

21. Create a content publishing calendar with 10 content ideas that cover <keyword>. Include the recommended word count and publishing date for the months of February 2023 and March 2023.

Counting Characters / Word Limit

22. Count the characters in this text <text>

Proofreading Text

23. Please proofread this text <text>

Identifying Target Audience

24. List the target audience with persona details for the keyword <keyword>

Google-friendly URLs

25. Write user-friendly URLs for this keyword on the domain <domain> for the following keywords – <keywords>

FAQ Schema Markups

26. Write an HTML code for FAQ Page Schema Markup for the following question and answer. <question> <answer>

Perform sentiment analysis

27. Help me perform sentiment analysis for the following content <content>

Generate Structured Data for content

28. Help me write a structured data markup for <URL>

Guest Post Pitch

29. Help me write a super engaging and creative outreach email pitching a guest post for <keyword>. Come up with 5 catchy topic suggestions as well.

Translating into Different Languages

30. Translate to <language> <text>

How-to Schema Markup

31. Help me generate ‘how-to schema markup’ for the following steps on “how to write a blog: Pin down your target audience, Choose a Topic, Research Keywords, and Use AI Writer.

Review Schema Markup

32. Generate schema review markup for a product with “provide the number of reviews and average review score”.

Generate RegEx to filter Google Search Console Performance Report

33. Generate RegEx to filter Google Search Console Performance Report

Generate .htacess write rules for redirects

34. Generate .htacess rules for redirecting all requests for a specific domain to a new domain.

Generate Hreglang tags to use as patterns on the website

35. Generate Hreflang tags to use as patterns in the website

Generate rules for your robots.txt

36. Generate rules for your robots.txt

Convert text into HTML code for publishing

37. Convert text “A revolutionary AI like Chat GPT – ChatSonic, the conversational AI chatbot addresses the limitations of ChatGPT, turning out to be the best Chat GPT alternative” into HTML code for publishing